Polskie ePłatności (PeP) concluded an agreement to acquire a majority stake in Team4U Sp. z o.o., the owner of the mobile application for retail known as Simapka. This is another acquisition made by Polskie ePłatności, this time made within the structures of the Nexi Group, the European leader in the field of payments. Over the past 5 years, the company has made several acquisitions, including payment operators: NeoTu, PayUp, TopCard, bill payment service providers – Billbird, as well as PayLane online payment integrator.

Simapka provides solutions that allow, among others for: registration of SIM cards, sale of GSM top-ups or gift cards, number transfer between operators. Recently, the Company has also introduced the possibility of using financial services, such as loans or insurance. The Simapka application can be used on many platforms, e.g., a web browser, smartphone, tablet, or an android terminal. The access and use of Simapka is completely free for the PeP customers.

“Simapka’s enry into the PeP Group will enable us to provide our clients with the most modern technologies and an even wider range of services on the Android terminal, which will allow for the diversification of their sources of income. The acquisition of Simapka is a strong signal of the direction of PeP’s development. We will focus on comprehensive solutions based on added services tailored to the needs of customers. We want to build an ecosystem in which payment will be only one of many elements”, said Monika Gaszewska, Vice-President M&A at Polskie ePłatności.

“Joining our company into the PeP Group opens up many opportunities for Simapka: dynamically increases the availability of our services to a new group of customers, it also releases in us the potential to create new features that can be implemented in Android and allow our customers to use PeP’s services”, added Rafał Rasmus, CEO at Team4U which owns Simapka.

“PeP records the fastest growth rate in the segment of payment solution providers in Poland. This year, we have exceeded the level of 200,000 POS. Our aspiration is to be the provider of first choice in terms of cashless payments in Poland”, said Maciej Nowosielski, President at Polskie ePłatności.

PeP’s development based on acquisitions goes hand in hand with a very dynamic organic growth. The scale of operations has increased several times over the past few years, which has allowed PeP to be in the top three largest payment operators in terms of the number of POS in Poland. National Bank of Poland informed that nearly 100,000 new jobs were added to Poland last year. Over 30 thousand were PeP’s POS. It was the highest annual increase in terminals (both in absolute and percentage values) among the largest players on the Polish market.